Vikas Video Books aims to spread the knowledge contained in the rich books and make it accessible to everyone in the most engaging way.
Books are a great source of value, but many of us lack the time to sit down and thoroughly read them.
That's why we came up with a new way for you to easily access this knowledge.
We hope these video books will help empower and enrich your life.
Video Books Available
The Science of Getting Rich
By Wallace D. Wattles
Published in 1910, The Science of Getting Rich has sold millions of copies. The book deals with how to make money and get the life you want. The book goes beyond financial means to empower you to achieve success in all aspects of life.
This book is the inspiration for bestselling book and movie The Secret by Rhonda Byrnes. Those who apply the concepts of this book in their lives will surely see improvements in themselves and the world around them.
As a Man Thinketh
By James Allen
As a Man Thinketh is a highly influential book describes as "A pocket companion for thoughtful people." The book introduces concepts and philosophies that can help improve any situation.
James Allen authored more than 20 books in his lifetime, of which "As a Man Thinketh" is the most well known. His books are considered classics in the fields of inspiration and spirituality.
At the time of his death, Allen died a prosperous man. Allen believes that like him, anyone can create a successful life for themselves.
What are video books?
Preview - The Science of Getting Rich
Chapter - 6 - How Riches Come to You
As A Man Thinketh
Chapter- 4 - Thought & Purpose
Our Library
We are working to add more books as soon as possible
A message from Vikas Ummat, Founder & CEO.
These Video Books have been created after being convinced that the rich knowledge they contain will create wonders for everyone applying it in their daily life.
I took it upon myself to simplify the content and create an engaging and interesting way of sharing this knowledge with the world.
Through these presentations, the content is easier to understand and most importantly to remember.
These books are the key to unlock the doors to your success.
Spreading the knowledge to the world is what drives me to walk the extra mile.
We are constantly working to add new books to the platform.